Enrolment Procedure
1. 報名參與:參加者可以以「個人」或「團隊」名義參加,基於限聚令關係,每隊只限二人;並在報名時提供有效的電郵、地址及手提電話號碼。
2. 建立籌款專頁:成功報名的參加者可建立專屬籌款專頁,呼籲身邊親朋好友捐款支持。
3. 紀錄成績:於活動期間完成登山。路線不限,最少八公里,並以手機應用程式記錄行山GPS路線圖如TrailWatch/ Relive/ Garmin Connect等,或於路線打卡點拍照以作證明。
4. 上載紀錄:於活動網頁中登入「參賽者帳戶」上載步行紀錄。
5. 分享照片:於社交平台分享登山照片,並加上活動標籤如#HikeForHospiceHK。
6. 接受獎勵:完成登山並經大會核實成績後,參加者將獲發電子證書。
1. Register: Register HERE with details on your participating category. All participants must complete the online registration with correct email address, postal address and mobile number.
2. Set up: Successful registrants can set-up dedicated fund-raising page in appeal for friends and families’ donation and support.
3. Record: Complete and record your selected trails with any smart devices, mobile apps (if applicable).
4. Upload: Send us your record through uploading onto the campaign website in “Participant Dashboard”.
5. Share: Share with us your trail walk photo on social media, set as a public post and tag #HikeForHospiceHK as well as your friends to spread the joy.
6. Collect: Upon finishing the campaign and verifying the result, participants will receive E-certificate.
How to record and upload my result
- 你必須使用具有GPS功能的智能裝備/應用程式來記錄獲得的運動里數。每次上傳的運動里數記錄必須清楚顯示日期、距離 (以公里為單位,只接受整數輸入)、持續時間 (以分鐘為單位) 和運動路線, 並最少達8公里。
- 登入「參賽者帳戶」,輸入完成日期、距離 (以公里為單位,只接受整數輸入) 和持續時間 (以分鐘為單位),及上傳運動里數記錄 (每次只能上傳一張截圖)。
- You must use the GPS-enabled mobile devices/apps to record the mileage gained. Each mileage record uploaded must clearly show the date, distance (in KM, only integral number is accepted), duration (in minutes) and route, and must be of 8KM minimum. If the uploaded mileage record cannot show the exercise date, participant must record the correct Date in Participant Dashboard. The Organizer regrets that records from running machines/ treadmills will not be accepted.
- Upload the corresponding mileage record (one file per upload only) in your Participant Dashboard within 00:00 on 1 April to 23:59 on 30 April 2021. Mileage records generated and uploaded outside the said period will NOT be accepted and verified by SPHC.
How to raise funds online
1. 歡迎各位成為「籌款大使」,在完成參賽報名後,只要登上Fringebacker「登山善行月」專頁,按「建立籌款頁 」建立「我的籌款大使專頁」,將專頁share給身邊朋友,捐款贊助 閣下參加今次慈善登山籌款,集腋成裘,讓更多晚期病者及喪親者獲得適切的善終及哀傷輔導服務!
After completing your registration, click "START My Fundraiser" to create your own fundraising page on FringeBacker and invite more friends backing any amounts to support you in winning the fundraising awards!
2. 你亦可按此下載贊助表格。參加者請將交易紀錄正本、櫃員機收據、劃線支票(抬頭請寫:善寧會)或銀行入數紙正本(本會匯豐銀行戶口: HSBC 002-3-365638) 連同贊助表格,交回隊伍聯絡人轉寄予善寧會。
Please forward the SPONSORSHIP FORM with the transaction record(s), ATM transfer slips(s), crossed cheque (payable to "The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care" and original copies of bank-in-slips (SPHC's Bank Account: HSBC 002-3-365638) to SPHC or through team coordinator by post. Please keep photocopies of all forms and bank-in-slips for verification purpose.