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有關盲俠行About Moonwalkers 

1. 甚麼是「2020奧比斯百鬼盲俠行」?

  • 「2020奧比斯百鬼盲俠行」是奧比斯香港舉辦的首屆網上虛擬跑活動,將年度夜行籌款盛會「盲俠行」加入「百鬼」元素升級回歸,以線上形式繼續為眼疾人士籌款出力,為他們帶來「看得見」的曙光。活動以奧比斯眼科飛機醫院到訪越南、蒙古、印度、埃塞俄比亞及秘魯的飛行航程為藍本,設計五條不同距離的虛擬挑戰路線,讓參加者⼀⿑化⾝跑⿁,以跑步/步行形式參與籌款挑戰時,亦為我們的眼科飛機醫院加油打氣,用雙腳完成所需的飛行里數,繼續救盲任務。完成指定挑戰項目的參加者更有機會贏取「亞洲萬里通」里數!

What is 2020 Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers?

  • 2020 Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers is the first-ever virtual run organised by Orbis Hong Kong. This year we add a new element of「Million Ghosts」to the charity run, continuing to bring light to the visually-impaired population in a virtual context. Inspired by the flight routes of the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital to Vietnam, Mongolia, India, Ethiopia and Peru where sight-restoring missions are carried out, five virtual routes of different distances are designed for participants to take on the challenges. While participants could run/ walk/ hike anytime and anywhere to complete the challenge and raise-funds, they are at the same time helping to fuel-up our Flying Eye Hospital virtually by running the miles needed. Participants who complete the designated virtual route will also have the chance to win Asia Miles!

2. 怎樣參與「2020奧比斯百鬼盲俠行」?

  • 你可以在20201116日至1213期間透過 報名參加「2020奧比斯百鬼盲俠行」,選定挑戰路線,在202011月30日至1230期間以跑步、步行或行山的形式在任何時間及地點一次過或分段進行(每次不少於1公里), 活動時必須以主辦單位指定的手機運動應用程式記錄完成距離, 並於1230 23:59上傳至活動網頁。完成你所選擇的挑戰路線的總距離後便可獲得完成紀念獎牌。完成指定挑戰項目更有機會嬴取「亞洲萬里通」里數!

How does 2020 Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers work?

  • Unlike a physical event, Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers 2020 can be joined anytime and anywhere while you run, walk or hike. You can register for the virtual event on during 16 November - 13 December 2020. Choose a virtual route, complete the required distance and track your activity using designated running apps anytime and anywhere (not less than 1km at a time for record tracking) during 30 November - 30 December 2020. Upload the mileage record to your personal dashboard on or before 30 December 23:59 and you will receive a finisher medal upon successful completion of the virtual route. Top performers will also have the chance to win Asia Miles!

3. 「2020奧比斯百鬼盲俠行」籌得的款項可以幫助甚麼人?

  • 是次活動籌得的善款將用作支持奧比斯全球救盲工作的營運費用,為全球更多有需要的眼疾病人提供醫療設備,帶來「看得見」的機會。

Who will benefit from 2020 Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers?

  • The money raised from Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers 2020 will be used to support the operating expenses of Orbis’s sight-restoring work worldwide with the purpose to provide medical equipment for the visually impaired population.