眼疾鬼怪襲擊地球,散播致盲病毒令全民陷入危機。奧比斯「救盲敢SEE隊」為儲備救盲力量,舉辦2021虛擬盲俠行召集同伴 —— 馬上加入,為拯救全球視力挺身而出!
2021奧比斯盲俠行繼續以Virtual Walk形式進行,活動設有三個不同難度的虛擬挑戰距離,讓參加者齊齊化身「盲俠敢SEE隊」成員,以腳力支持奧比斯團隊取得救盲裝備,合力抵抗眼疾鬼怪入侵!當中Level 1 Moonwalker - 21 公里挑戰及Level 2 Advanced Moonwalker - 42 公里挑戰分別由香港天仁茗茶及崇光百貨兩間公司贊助,參加者每跑1公里,公司就會捐出$10,支持奧比斯的救盲工作。
參加者只戴上智能裝置或安裝跑步APP,就可以跑步或步行方式挑戰不同距離,將里數轉化為善款,甚至挑戰Asia Miles里數終極大獎,時間地點不設限制!活動更首設3個支線任務,參加者在完成後可獲得限量版任務襟章!立即加入盲俠敢SEE隊,以行動支持奧比斯抵抗眼疾邪惡勢力!
2021 Orbis Moonwalkers will continue in the form of a virtual walk. This year we add a new element of「RPG theme」to the charity run, continuing to bring light to the visually-impaired population in a virtual context. Three virtual challenges of different levels are designed for participants to take on the challenges, allowing participants to team-up as "Sight-restoring Squad". Level 1 Moonwalker - 21KM and Level 2 Advanced Moonwalker – 42 KM are sponsored by TenRen’s TEA and SOGO respectively. They will donate HK$10 to Orbis for every km the participants ran.
While participants could run/ walk/ hike anytime and anywhere to complete the challenge using running apps and raise-funds, they are at the same time helping to support the Orbis team with their feet to obtain sight-restoring equipment, and work together to resist the invasion of eye diseases ghosts! Participants will have the chance to take home 80,000 Asia Miles upon completing the challenge! Participants could also complete 3 extra bonus missions for a limited edition pin set.Join us NOW to be part of our Sight-restoring Squad and fight against the evil eye diseases ghosts!